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Thursday, November 20, 2008

The sleep blog

It is finally cold enough here for Avery to wear her snowsuit. Whenever we put her in it, she almost always falls instantly asleep. The first time she wore it, she slept almost four hours before I woke her up. When Mike is watching her, if she needs a nap, he puts her in her snowsuit. I can just see it this summer- need a nap Avery? Here is your snowsuit. Who cares if it is ninety degrees outside? Luckily, she is becoming a better napper even without the snowsuit.

We moved Bailey to her toddler bed this week. She figured out how to climb out of her crib, and she would not stay in it. When we put her in for timeout, she would just climb right out. I think she also figured out how to put the side of her crib down. Ironically enough, now that she is in her toddler bed, she doesn't get out. She still waits for us to come and get her in the morning. That was a pleasant surprise. I can't believe how grown up she is!


Jas and Berg said...

Hello Waters Family-

Just wanted to let you know that Bergen and I will be having a little girl. It was a shock to me because I was so set on a boy. The more I have thought about it the more excited I get. Your pictures of your girls have helped me realize how great it will be. We love you both,

Jason and Berg