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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Avery is two months old!

Our little baby is not so little any more! Avery is already two months old. We still haven't caught her smile on camera yet, but we are getting close.

Avery is our little angel baby. She already sleeps five or six hours straight from the time she goes to bed. She hardly ever cries.

Avery loves to be touched on her face, but does not like it when you touch her hands. She can already roll over from her tummy to her back because she hates it so much. She has found her hands, and sucks on them all the time. She loves to look at you and smile. She loves it when you give her attention- she will even talk and coo when Bailey "plays" with her. (Bailey still needs to work on the being soft thing. This week she was into Avery's eyes.) We love our little girl. It already feels like she has been with us forever, we can't imagine our family without her.


Sarah and Wes said...

What beautiful girls you have! And how lucky about sleeping through the night!

Franziska Patterson said...

I hear you on the forever thing. I feel like Sophia has been with us forever - maybe it's because of the lack of sleep. So, if Avery is 2 months now, I guess that means...wait a second. Sophia is already 6 weeks! So, Avery is 9 weeks. Just for the record. Oh, and she's a cutie. I'm glad she hardly ever cries. She needs to hang out more with Sophia.

Lori T. said...

Oh my gosh! She looks exactly like Shelli's baby pictures. I can't stand it - she's so cute. She even looks calm in her pictures. I can't wait to see her and snuggle her up!

Kayce Johnson said... seems like yesterday when you were dilated to an 8 and for weeks on end and still wondering when she would finally join your family. For the record, I'm happy she finally made it here.

Kayce Johnson said... seems like yesterday when you were dilated to an 8 and for weeks on end and still wondering when she would finally join your family. For the record, I'm happy she finally made it here.

Franziska Patterson said...

I wish Sophia was chubby like Avery. And, I tagged you on my blog Kari.