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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blowing your nose and bottle feeding day 2

Right now, everyone in our family is sick with the same yucky cold. Even Avery. Mike learned something new about me because of it- I hate hate hate blowing my nose.

I always have. It messes up the pressure in your head, and most of the time, I feel like it doesn't do anything. Now there is a study that says just that! And if you do blow your nose, you are supposed to blow one nostril at a time. Who knew?

A bottle update- Avery is doing a little better today as far as drinking goes. She is a lot sadder today, and only wants to be held. I caved in last night- it was the middle of the night, she was hungry and wouldn't take a bottle. So I breastfed her. I am hoping that I can continue to breastfeed her at night, and bottlefeed during the day.

I hope this bottle thing takes soon!!


Franziska Patterson said...

Blowing noses is gross. I don't enjoy doing it for myself, but I find it even grosser when others blow their noses. However, sucking it down is the most disgusting to me. I'd rather have people blow. oh no wait - the nastiest is handkerchiefs. Sooooo sick. Basically, people who use them carry around their snot in their pocket. What could be more gross?????

HeidiPie said...

I'm glad she is eating some and I really hope for both your sakes that she starts to eat a lot better really soon.
Thanks for the nose blowing info, I also always thought that it never does much good, especially when you're already so stuffed. I hope you all get better soon.