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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Finally! A New Post: Graduation

Yes, it's been a really long time since I blogged. I have lots of excuses, but mostly it's because I hate my computer. I guess I should be grateful I have one, but it's way too slow!!

So, back to June. This last year Bailey and I did joy school. We both had a lot of fun. I am really glad that I got to be Bailey's teacher before I send her off the all day Kindergarten this September. This was our second year doing a co-op style preschool, and I have to say, joy school was pretty nice. It had all the lessons planned for you, complete with pictures, songs, snacks, everything. Mike will tell you I stayed up late many nights coloring, but still, it was pretty easy as far as teaching preschool goes. Here are some pictures of our preschool grad:

Avery insisted on wearing her dress up dance costume to the graduation. That little girl wore the outfit for about a month straight.

Here is a little snipet of them singing. It was adorable. At their first party back in October, they were supposed to sing, but mostly just stood there looking shy. And now they are singing! They have all grown up a lot this last year, and I can't believe that in a little more than a month I'll be putting Bailey on a bus, and sending Avery to joy school. Where does all the time go?


HeidiPie said...

What is Joy school? You'll have to email me. I need to do something for Luke this fall.