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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bailey is five!!

This past June, my baby turned five! It's hard to believe that so much time has flown by. Luckily for Bailey, her birthday landed on a day when Mike was home.

After lunch, we opened her presents, and had unicorn cake. Unfortunately, our camera died mid birthday celebration:

Our friends gave us a great idea- band-aids for birthday presents! In our house, if there is a box of band-aids, every fall, every ouchie means a huge tantrum because I won't give a band-aid for an injury without blood. So, both Bailey and Avery got band-aids for Bailey's birthday and they can do whatever they want with them.

Bailey got soccer stuff too- she started playing soccer right after, but I'll have to do a separate post about that.

Bailey had a great birthday, and had a serious stack of presents- thanks grandmas and grandpas! Unfortunately for Avery, it did not go so well. Poor Avery was very jealous, and despite getting band-aids from us and a new pair of sandals from Grandma Cindy, she spent a lot of the party bawling, poor thing. It's hard to be two.

We were able to surprise Bailey- she had wanted a bike, but obviously, there were no bicycle shaped presents wrapped. After she finished opening her gifts, and thought she was done, we pulled down her new bike. She loved it, and of course had to go out and give it a spin immediately.

Here are the things I want to remember about my five year Bailey:
  • She is a great help around the house and with her sister- she even cleans her room and vacuums
  • She is getting really good and cartwheels and flips
  • She loves playing outside- her favorite things to do right now are riding her bike, roller skating, jumping on the trampoline and swimming
  • Avery is her best friend-they will play together for hours
  • She loves listening to music and books on tape
  • She loves learning to play the piano
  • I am always amazed by how excited she is about life- she wants to try everything and gets excited about every day.
  • One word to describe her: sunshine
I love you Bailey!


HeidiPie said...

She's so cute! I want to see her cartwheels and flips!!

Unknown said...

Looks like she had a fun birthday! :)