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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Amish Country

On the first day of Mike's break, we decided to go to Amish country. We left the house, fully prepared, or so we thought. After following the directions I got off of Google maps, we were no closer to the Amish than when we left. Instead of being in Amish Berlin, we were in Berlin Township. (I might add that this is the second time this month Google maps has done this to me. When looking for a Native American burial mound, we never made it. When we got home we looked it up- we had bad directions. Mike says I'm not allowed to get the directions any more.) It was a one street area with no buggies.

We drove back to the main road and bought a map of Ohio. Two hours later we finally made it. We visited Yoder's Amish Home. There we saw a modern Amish house, barn, and went on a buggy ride. Bailey had been so excited about the buggy ride all day, but when it came down to it, she was terrified of the horse! Luckily, we conviced her to ride, and she loved it. She told Mike, "The horse was running fast. It was fun." She was not a big fan of the animal barn, but she enjoyed seeing the baby chickens, cows, horses and bunnies, as long as I was holding her.
It was interesting to learn about how the Amish live, although I think it is kind of weird to be visiting the Amish for vacation. I'm not quite sure how I would feel if my life was a vacation display. I can just see it:
Tour guide: "Here is where they cook dinner. They do use electricity. However, notice the absence of a coffee pot. They do not drink coffee or tea."

Tourist: "I hear they don't drink pop. Is that true?"

Tour guide: "And here is a modern Mormon bedroom. Contrary to popular belief, they do not have horns."

Tourist: "Do they use birth control?"

Yes, someone did ask this on the tour.

I am actually glad the Amish have opened up their community so that we can learn about their beliefs. Like us, they believe in modesty, keeping the Sabbath holy, and in protecting the family. We definitely need more people who are willing to stand up for their beliefs in the world.


Henry said...

It's kind of weird to me to think that some do not use birth control of any form...weird, but I guess to each their own. Anyway, looks like you had a nice trip. By the way, I NEVER use google maps. Henry has done it a few times and they usually were bad directions. Mapquest has always worked for me. :)

Henry said...

That was Fran. I agree with her plug for mapquest. I also know where there's an indian burial mound in Columbus. I ride by it each time I take the bus.

The real Henry