Last night we said farewell to our guinea pig, Pretty. We had her for a year, and we were tired of cleaning her cage. A guinea pig is about as low maintenance a pet you can ask for- I think that we are just not pet people. Maybe it would have been different if Bailey was actually interested in her guinea pig. After a whole year, she was still afraid to touch her. When she fed her, she would take a handful of pellets and throw them into the cage, not into her bowel. Sometimes she would come and tell me that Pretty bit her, even though Pretty has never bitten anyone, and I'm pretty sure Bailey did not stick her hand in her cage.
Mike and I were kind of sad to see her go. We didn't think we would miss her, but we do. There is no one to squeak at me in the morning, or when I turn off the TV. This morning Bailey said that Pretty was hungry and squeaking at her, even though I had already reminded her that she had gone to a new home. Our living room feels empty and quiet without her. She was a good little guinea pig, and I hope her new owners play with her more than we did.
Stake Softball
2 weeks ago
Pretty was a good pig. We'll miss her, too. But I'm sure she won't miss me clipping her toes.
oh how sad :( lizzie will be VERY sad to hear this!
When we were over the other day I wondered where she had gone. Now I know.
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