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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Haunted House

Last night, I was home alone. This isn't unusual, Mike spends at least one night a week at the hospital. There have been weeks when he spends an entire week of nights there. I remember the first few nights when Mike was away- I was a little scared. I would check the locks one, two, or three times before heading to bed. I would peak in at the girls over and over to make sure they were okay. And every sound would creep me out. I would lie in bed awake, for hours, listening and worrying and about every unknown creak.  I know it was silly, but that's how it was. I have long since gotten over that. Mostly. There have been a few times when I had read a scary book, or watched a scary movie that I repeated those first all alone nights.

So, back to last night. I have been watching the series, "Drop Dead Diva" on netflix. On the episode last night, a couple was trying to get the bank to release them from their mortgage because they thought they had been sold a haunted house. Now, in all fairness, the show was not that scary. Okay, it wasn't scary at all. But as I sat there watching, I saw something move from the corner of my eye. Something outside the glass window. (I'm not a huge fan of sliding doors. Remember this?)

I glanced over, and continued to see a something moving around outside. I was definately startled, and feeling a little creeped out.

Soon, the moving thing revealed itself- it was a....

cat. Nothing but a stray gray cat. It was still a little weird though. The cat stared at me with it's green eyes through the window for a few long minutes. I don't know if it wanted in, or was just attracted to the light in an otherwise dark outside. But it totally startled me.


HeidiPie said...

I don't think it's silly. I still hear things all the time. I'm glad it was just a cat.

Shelli said...

I have also been watching Drop Dead Diva on Netflix. Hmmmmm, great minds think a like. Or in this case don't think a like.

Sarah and Wes said...

Oooh, freaky! When Wes used to work graveyard shift, I would totally freak out every night by myself. I couldn't take a shower after he left because all I could think of was Psycho. My imagination is way too big for my own good.