Today at work, the more senior residents presented a plan to turn a nice rotation for the second years to yet another crappy one. All in the name of following the law. What a load of garbage. The truth is, it's to make their lives better, and ours even worse than it already is. What part of the law involves making Mike work all day, all night, and all the following day? That is most definitely illegal. And it's happened twice. Nobody cares if the twos work ninety hours a week, never get the required 24 hours off a week and work more than 24 hours straight. All of that is against the law, and all of that happened countless times over the last three months. I don't think Mike had twenty fours hours off in the last three months more than two or three times.
I am so angry and frustrated right now. I was really looking forward to that rotation. Now I have nothing but never ending work hours and no weekends to look forward too.
Stake Softball
2 weeks ago
Me too. I think it is good you're blogging about this - I would even include the Hospital name etc in hopes that someone will google it.
Girl I'm soo sorry! Nothing is worse than a good rotation gone bad! At least in residency rotation world! :) and at least you will be millionaires someday. And then you can give to our rencher pediatric donation fund- since we will be poor compared to yall!!! :) hang in there!! You and mike are both rockstars and your sacrifices aren't unnoticed- and will pay off!!!! As for now, go eat a brownie! I promise it will make those 30 seconds magical :)
That sucks. Residency is a total trial that no one but another resident wife could ever understand. I can tell you I have been there and done that and there are bad months and good months for us. Pittsburgh has been pretty bad. Fort Wayne was a great residency. I think they must just close the good ones. BUT you really don't want them to get caught. I think moving in the middle of a residency program has been the worst thing to happen to us. Not only monetary wise, but in lots of other respects.
Sorry Kari, that is residency. Jared worked many all day all night all the next day shifts. This is the worst year and basically just never expect Mike to be around. Consider yourself a single mom for the next few years and the times when he is around you will enjoy it much more. I know how bad this time sucks!!
Kari that sounds so awful!!!! You and Mike are my heroes! Hang in there!
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