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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Avery is one!!

At long last, here are pictures of Avery's first birthday. I can't believe that she is one already!

Bailey, being a sweetheart, was sad that Avery didn't get as many presents and she did for her birthday. However, as you can see, Avery got a big present instead.

Once she opened the baby, which also happened to be the first present, she didn't want to open any of the others. She only wanted that baby! Hopefully, now that Avery has her own "special" baby, she will leave Bailey's alone.

Like I said, she loves that baby!

I amazed even myself by making and decorating this cake. It came with great directions. (:

Notice the baby again.


Rachel said...

what a cutie! Avery is just as adorable as her big sister.

Sarah and Wes said...

Wow, in some pictures Avery looks just like Mike, and in other pictures, she looks just like you! That's a good mix :)

Lindsey Hicks said...

That cake is AMAZING. You go girl.