I am really discouraged. Yesterday, Avery was officially diagnosed with a milk allergy. The doctor said he's not sure if it is a lactose intolerance, or a milk protein allergy, but it looks like an actually allergy. She gets hives every time she eats cottage cheese, has had diarrhea for the last two months and has had a horrific diaper rash complete with blisters and open sores. Poor baby!
I'm mostly frustrated because we have worked so hard to get her to like eating. Because of her severe reflux and long memory, she did not want to eat because it caused pain. Months on Prevacid had made her happy to eat again, but now she flat out refuses anything because her stomach has been bothering her for so long.
I feel like I'm back at square one with her. I guess I wouldn't worry so much if she wasn't so tiny. At her last appointment she was 1st percentile for weight. She used to be in the 80th. She has crossed so many growth lines that she meets the criteria for failure to thrive. How am I supposed to not worry?
I am really overwheled by this right now. Even that makes me feel guilty. My Avery-won't-eat-just-like-Bailey trial is so small compared to what it could be. She is relatively heathy. My life really is great. I just feel so frustrated that I have to keep doing this over and over again. First Bailey. Now Avery. Do I have to do this with a third child too?
I hope she eats something soon...