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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

First Cereal- Four Months

Elyse has had some digestive issues, and the doctor recommended we start giving her rice cereal twice a day to hopefully help things out. But, like Bailey and Avery before her, she was just not into it. This picture pretty much sums it up:

What are you giving me? Why?

I'd rather eat my hand!

I'm not going to swallow it!

After about a week of battling it out, we decided to wait another month or two and try again.

At four months:

  • Elyse is very proficient at rolling- she started when she was two and half months old. She rolls all around the house, and often gets herself stuck under the futon. 
  • We are finally getting more giggles out of her. After months of Bailey asking, "What does a baby laugh sound like?" she finally got her answer. And she agrees that it is one of the most wonderful sounds in the world.
  • Elyse is starting to play with toys and puts everything she grabs straight into the mouth- even Avery's fingers.
  • She is still a stinker about naps. Maybe someday she will nap longer than twenty minutes...

In other news, I finally got my haircut, and Bailey took this picture of me while I was giving Elyse her first cereal. It was long, long, long over due and I'm glad to have less hair for little baby hands to grab.


Henry said...

Well, Elyse sure looks like another Waters kiddo...and seems to behave like one, too. Haha.

If you want a nap, we can trade babies. So far Emilia hasn't done anything else but sleep 22.5 hours in a day. Not that I'll be complaining. It probably won't last...

Sarah and Troy said...

She really does sound just like her sisters and she's just as cute. I'm kind of sad I wasn't pregnant with all you ladies this time wait, that's a lie :)

Unknown said...

She is getting big so fast!! None of my kids were fans of rice cereal either.

Laura said...

sorry about the digestive issues. Hope that resolves itself. She is adorable.

Rosie said...

I think we skipped the rice with Lindsey entirely... we started her on smashed bananas (supposedly an excellent first food...)and moved along to oatmeal cereal. Hopefully she'll figure this whole schedule thing out soon and give you a bit of a rest. :)

KordelandHeather said...

That's why a baby's first laugh is how a Fairy is born. If you didn't know that then you and your girls are in for a treat and you need to watch the tinkerbell movies (preferrably 1 & 3, they're the best!)