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Saturday, January 30, 2010

One toddler's trash...

... is our families "treasure." This morning we were getting ready to head out to Cincinnati and Dayton when we realized that our GPS was missing. We had used it on Wednesday, and I was almost 100% positive I had put it in the diaper bag. We searched the car, the closet, and the entire house. I called where we had been the last few days. Mike and I were beginning to think that it was gone forever when I remembered something that had happened a few days ago.

I was making dinner when Avery came into the kitchen, went to our recycling can, opened the lid and stuck her hand in. I thought she was trying to get something out of it. I told her no, it was trash and closed the lid. A few minutes later, she was back, doing the same thing. This time however, there was more urgency to her digging. I opened the lid, and pulled out a bracelet of mine that had been in the diaper bag. I told her not to throw things away, and didn't think more of it.

So we decided to do a little digging. Mike pulled out the recycling (which is the bigger trash can in our house) and started digging around. Sure enough, he pulled out the GPS and our camera case. We laughed, but only because we had found it. Now I'm wondering what else Avery has thrown away. I guess it must not be too important if we didn't notice.

I suppose we'll have to do a quick search in the recycling now before we take it out. Avery is officially a toddler.


Daisha said...

We're pretty sure that one of the kids threw out Cole's wallet once. Good luck with match . . . we know how hard it is to wait!!

Danny and Darcie said...

Sounds sort of like Derrick. Except he takes the garbage out (yuck!) instead of putting stuff in. Not that he hasn't tried throwing toys away, just nothing of importance, at least not that I know of.

HeidiPie said...

I'm sure glad you guys found it!

Franziska Patterson said...

Ha! I have an easy fix to that. Put the trash on a little stool. Since Avery is such a shorty, she shouldn't be able to reach it anymore after that. Or, she'll just pull the whole thing down on herself. ;)

natalie said...

LOL! Glad the story has a happy ending!

Sarah and Wes said...

Nice beanie!