This year, as a birthday present to myself, I ran my first half marathon. I trained for about six weeks with my friends, Fran and Sherrida. I don't think I could have done it by myself- running for 2+ hours gets boring with just music for company. We ran the Monumental Half-Marathon in Indianapolis, meeting up with a friend who moved from our ward last year.
Here's us, after the race. I almost finished in my goal time, just two minutes over. Mike did get a picture of me as I crossed the finish line on his phone, but I couldn't figure out how to get in on the computer. Oh well.
A few miles before the end, the chip fell off the shoe. I carried it across the finish line, but it didn't read it. So, sadly, I don't have an officially chip time.
It felt good to set a goal, work towards it, and accomplish it. Now I am working to run another half marathon in May, with a much faster finish time.
Here's what everyone else is up to:
- Mike applied to 49 orthopedic surgery programs. So far, he has five interviews scheduled, and has had about 5 rejections. He's starting to get really nervous, since he thought he'd have more interviews by now. We are praying really hard and are hoping the interviews start rolling it. Only half of the people who have had five interviews have matched in the past. Not a good number...
- Avery is finally walking. She definitely is not as daring as her sister. She hates falling, and cries about the tiniest things.
- Bailey is getting so grown up. Her big thing right now is knock-knock jokes. All day long, everywhere we go, all the time. The first knock-knock joke I told was "orange you glad you're not a banana," and now all of her jokes are "something, aren't you glad you're not something else." They are usually somehow related, like the light post outside and the car sitting next to it. Bailey has told so many, and demanded so many, that even Avery knows how to say, "Who's there?"
I'm SO PROUD of you! That is hard and you are AMAZING!! Good luck to Mike we will be praying for him too!
Awesome Kari! Way to go! I'd LOVE to see you in December! We leave to go to Houston Dec 10th but let me know if you're going to be here before.
Way to go Kari! That's pretty impressive! It looks like you guys are doing well- we hope you have a wonderful holiday season and that things go well for Mike!
congrats on the race! I just did a 8k and think I've caught the running bug.
Wow! You've got some very awesome friends that they would run that far with you. :) Nice pictures...they look strangely familiar. Hahaha...
Wow, I'm so impressed! You are amazing. Good luck with the interviews!
Kari, this is early for knock knock jokes. My kids didn't really get into them until 1st grade. You've got a long haul which eventually lead to knock knock jokes being banned from the dinner table.
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