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Friday, December 31, 2010

Waters Top 10 of 2010

10. We moved to Syracuse NY and bought a house!!

9. We flooded our new house, and took out a huge section of ceiling.

8. Bailey was our Sunbeam this year. She kept busy with preschool, swimming lessons and ballet. She is getting bigger and smarter every day.

7. Kari started teaching piano lessons.

6. Avery went through a phase of throwing everything away, including our brand new GPS. Luckily, she grew out of it. Now she finally, finally, growing hair.

5. Mike fixed the ceiling, only to have a toilet leak ruin it one short week later.

4. Kari shoveled her very first driveway ever. She wasn’t very happy about four feet of snow in four days. She did a lot of shoveling.

3. Mike turned thirty!

2. We drove all over the country. We drove to Chicago, Washington D.C., Reno, SLC, Nauvoo, Ithaca, Syracuse more than once

1. Mike graduated medical school and started his orthopedics residency!


Sarah and Troy said...

Mike turned 30! Ha!

Franziska Patterson said...

10,000 posts later. :) How come we don't get special mention, seeing how we're probably the most exciting part of your whole year - two weeks with us in our home, then almost a week with you in Syracuse, then again a visit with us. We're like all over your lives. :)

Anyway, I love the singing, and the interesting looking shepherds. But I'm with Mike - the tree shouldn't have been in that room. :)

Johanna said...

Don't you love owning a home? Always a new project! Sounds like you are doing great, and your girls are so cute!

Lindsey Hicks said...

I'm so ashamed I haven't been up to see you guys yet. The holidays are so crazy. I must seem full of false promises but we are coming up soon!

I am Laura said...

just noticed that you are friends with my cousin Jamie. Crazy how small this world is.

We interviewed in Syracuse for residency too. Funny that we could have been there too. We are interviewing for fellowships now. Crazy how time keeps going by.