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Monday, October 17, 2011

Friends at the zoo

Last week, my friend Lindsey came up from Ithaca for a trip to the zoo with her daughter, Norah, and another friend. Lindsey was one of my room mates from BYU and I love having her so close! We didn't tell Bailey about our trip to the zoo- she is starting to realize that she misses out on a lot things being in school all day. Last time we went to the zoo with Norah, Bailey was devastated.

We got to see the new tiger triplets- they were really cute.

We always love the penguins. It seems like they like showing off to all the little kids.

While at the zoo, we sent Mike a picture of all the fun we were having, so he sent us a picture of all the fun he was having at work. It totally made us laugh. 

We love the zoo- and have to get as many trips in as we can before it gets too cold.